Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Set your mind to win! Do what is easy and your life will be hard. Do what is hard and your life will become easy. Prepare your mind with seeds that are planted on a fertile ground of opportunities. Weed out all of the weeds of doubt and can't. Keep watering and growing. Give yourself permission to receive your great harvest! Live a full and unpredictable life by choosing you! Challenge yourself to do all you can do to become a healthier you. By continuously developing your mind, transforming your body and cultivating your soul.
Your harvest will be abundant! Enter now to win. Inbox me!

#mycoachingchronicles. #preparingforyourharvest #dontsettleforless

Monday, October 2, 2017

We all have challenges in life. We can choose to deal with them or let our challenges deal to us. Challenges are supposed to  help you find who you are , not to stress you out. Your challenge would only become a barrier if you choose to give up. So when you meet your challenges work through them until you find your solution. Challenges comes with opportunities. Challenge yourself to a healthy lifestyle, change your impossibles and make them possible. Think healthy, eat healthy and you will feel healthy! Treat yourself to wholeness! MIND, BODY and SOUL

#lifeschallenge #thinkeatfeelheakthy #mycoachingchronicles